Jan 29, 2016


Hello fans and readers. How was your week? Mine was a fabulous one and i'm so excited because it's Friday again.
 So let's go down to it.

 My discussion this week is 'Family' which is a single word, with many different meanings. People have many ways of defining a family and what being a part of a family means to them. Families differ in terms of economic, cultural, social, and many other facets, but what every family has in common is that the people who call it a family are making clear that those people are important in some way to the person calling them his family.family is a little society, a tight bond between some set of people and this bond can't be broken by anything or anyone at all.                                                                           Family life today is under siege. Families are beset by divorce, a crisis in roles, absenteeism of parents, a breakdown of authority, preoccupation with things, inadequate time together, financial pressures, and a host of other problems. The Bible teaches that the institution of family is of divine origin and purpose. The Bible also provides guidelines for good relations within the family. A commitment to the Bible’s teachings and principles provides today’s best hope for the recovery of family life.                                                                                                                FAMILY IS FOR EVERYONE 👨👩👧👦

Don't forget to follow me on my Instagram page @ patypaty97, snapchat @patiencejoe and you can also ask me a friend request on my Facebook page @ patience eziengbe izevbizua. 



                                          WHAT DOES YOUR FAMILY MEAN TO YOU?

Jan 22, 2016


Hello fans and readers. How was your week? Mine was a fabulous one and i'm so excited because it's Friday again.
 So let's go down to it.

 My discussion this week is about Mothers which are women who inhabit or perform the role of bearing child(ren) and creating a strong bond between themselves and their children.                Children love mothers more than you can even imagine, even musicians dedicate songs to mother (me I never see they sing for papa). Mothers can do things unimaginable just to make her child(ren) happy not minding the consequences the will face latter.                                                                            They understand their children pretty well, they can say when their children are happy or sad.               No child will say he/she hates their mother except they have a very good explanation but trust me that love is always there (pikin must still love him mama).                                                                               A mother can accept the errors of the child because she believes the child will change some day even when people are criticizing the child she is ready to take the blame on herself. The child can get he/her selves into a mess and the  mother will know the child is wrong but still defend he/she then later spank her when they get home.                                                                                                                 LOVE IS MOTHER, MOTHERS IS LOVE.    

                                  CAN ANYBODY BE LIKE OUR SWEET MAMA?


Jan 15, 2016


Hello fans and readers. How was your week? Mine was a fabulous one and i'm so excited because it's Friday again.
 So let's go down to it.

 My discussion this week is about Altruism which I define unselfish concern for other people. It involves doing things simply out of a desire to help, not because you feel obligated to out of duty, loyalty, or religious reasons.                      Everyday life is filled with small acts of altruism, from the guy at the grocery store who kindly holds the door open as you rush in from the parking lot to the woman who gives twenty dollars to a homeless man.                                                                                                                                                News stories often focus on grander cases of altruism, such as a man who dives into an icy river to rescue a drowning stranger to a generous donor who gives thousands of dollars to a local charity.   While we may be all too familiar with altruism, social psychologists are interested in understanding why it occurs.                                                                                                                                      Altruism is one aspect of what social psychologists refer to as Prosocial behavior which refers to any action that benefits other people, no matter what the motive or how the giver benefits from the action. Remember, however, that pure altruism involves true selflessness. While all altruistic acts are prosocial, not all prosocial behaviors are completely altruistic. For example, we might help others for a variety of reasons such as guilt, obligation, duty, or even for rewards.

Don't forget to follow me on my Instagram page @ patypaty97 and you can also ask me a friend request on my Facebook page @ patience joe izevbizua. 


                                               What inspires these acts of kindness? 


Jan 8, 2016

TROUBLE (let sleeping dogs lie).

Hello fans and readers. How was your week? Mine was a cool and i'm happy because it's Friday again. But I want to apologize for not writing last week's blog. My people abeg make una nor vex. Na new year day and I needed to jolly jolly with my family, I am using this medium to wish all my lovelies a HAPPY NEW YEAR.
So let's go down to it.   
My discussion this week is about living past TROUBLES in the past ("as People will say: let sleeping dogs lie").
 sleeping dogs lie is what I explain to leave things as they are; especially, to avoid restarting  or rekindly an old argument; to leave disagreement  in the past.                                      Eventually, they decided it would be best to let sleeping dogs lie and not discuss the matter any further but they argument will still be in their minds. You will see them not talking to the person anymore because they have not said all what they have been bearing in mind and this will cause more "catacata".
While others prefere to say their minds and be free.
That is why I began to ask myself the question of this week.

Don't forget to follow me on my Instagram page @ patypaty97 and you can also ask me a friend request on my Facebook page @ patience joe izevbizua. 


                                     IS IT BETTER TO LET SLEEPING DOGS LIE?